Township Officers



Joseph R. Ruthig



Cathy Gross



Daniel Himstedt



Kevin Carlton

Sarah Tomac

Scott Mrdeza

Kenneth Hornak

Chesaning Township Clerk

Daniel Himstedt
[email protected]
Office: 989-845-2341

The statutory duties of the township clerk are numerous, technical and legally essential to the proper operation of municipal government.

The clerk has custody of all records, books and papers of the township, if no other law provides. The clerk is responsible for the detailed accounting records of the township utilizing the Uniform Chart of Accounts prescribed by the state treasurer. The clerk must also prepare and maintain the journals and ledgers necessary to reflect the assets, liabilities, fund equities, revenues and expenditures for each fund of the township.

The clerk is a member and chairman of the township election commission and in charge of elections in the township.

Chesaning Township
1025 Brady St.,
Chesaning, MI 48616
Phone: 989-845-2341
Fax: 989-845-5555
Contact the Clerk

Business Hours
Monday – 9:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday – 9:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Wednesday – Closed
Thursday – Closed
Friday – 9:00 – 2:00 p.m.