Cemetery Ordinance Summary/Rules
Cemetery Spring & Fall Cleanup Guidelines
Tombstone Photographs
Headstone photos for nearly all the graves in the Chesaning Township’s Wildwood Cemetery

Wildwood Cemetery Lot Holders & Care Givers
SPRING CLEANUP – Please remove all grave blankets by the last Sunday in March, each year, to enable spring cleanup. Please refrain from placement of plants or flowers until May 1, to facilitate proper spring cleanup.
FALL CLEAN UP – Please remove all annual flowers by the third Sunday in October, each year, to enable fall cleanup. Trees, shrubs and all other unauthorized items will be removed and disposed of, by cemetery contractors after that date.
Water will be turned off approximately November 1, each year.
Biodegradable Holiday Grave Blankets may be placed after November 1, each year, within the designated 18-inch area behind headstones.
For more information, please contact the Chesaning Township Office, at 989-845-2341, or e-mail the Clerk.