Township Officers



Joseph R. Ruthig



Cathy Gross



Daniel Himstedt



Kevin Carlton

Sarah Tomac

Scott Mrdeza

Kenneth Hornak

Chesaning Township Treasurer

Cathy Gross
[email protected]
Office: 989-845-2341
Cell: 989-284-9545

By statute, the township treasurer is required to receive and take charge of all funds belonging to the township or which are required by law to be paid into the township treasury, and to pay over and account for the funds according to law or township board decision.

The treasurer is the township’s agent for collecting taxes and must deposit all township funds in banks or depositories approved by the township board.

The treasurer must keep a true account of the receipts and expenditures of all funds in a separate book provided for that purpose by the township. Payments authorized by the township board shall be paid by the treasurer on an order signed by the township clerk.

Click here for information on Property Tax Deferments

Chesaning Township
1025 Brady St.,
Chesaning, MI 48616
Phone: 989-845-2341
Fax: 989-845-5555
Contact the Clerk

Business Hours
Monday – 9:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday – 9:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Wednesday – Closed
Thursday – Closed
Friday – 9:00 – 2:00 p.m.